

Please select the appearances you wish to view:

To see specific appearances by team, take a look at the Clubs pages.

Portsmouth Ladies 1 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Back, Martha2
Bray, Paula1
Dale, Paula3
Davies, Sara3
Fiford, Stephanie4
Gordine, Vicky2
Marriott, Maisie1
Thompson, Tegan1
Weatherston, Kate3

Portsmouth Mixed - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Angold, Richard2
Annals, Steve3
Back, Martha2
Bray, Paula3
Dale, Paula1
Davies, Sara1
Fiford, Stephanie1
Gordine, Vicky4
Lennox, Dan2
Main, Matthew4
Olivera, Gabriel1
Singh, Bal1
Taylor, Callum2
Thompson, Tegan1
Weatherston, Kate3
Weatherston, Mike1

Portsmouth Open 1 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Annals, Steve2
Ellis, Matthew4
Kurian, Baiju1
Kurian, Rajumon1
Lennox, Dan4
Main, Matthew1
Searle, Tom5
Singh, Bal1
Taylor, Callum2
Weatherston, James3

Portsmouth Open 2 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Angold, Richard8
Baiju, Noel1
Guznan, Obert De1
Kurian, Baiju3
Kurian, Rajumon1
Main, Matthew8
Pascual, Hadjie1
Quadros, Lucius2
Raju, Nevil1
Singh, Bal2
Singh, Gursaant2
Taylor, Callum1
Weatherston, Mike1

Portsmouth Open 3 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Baiju, Noel3
Bradley, Robert1
Brombley, Adam2
Dugan, Chris6
Fraser, Ray1
Goodwin, Charles3
Hebblethwaite, Philip1
Laviolle, Keryan1
Singh, Gursaant4
Vane, Marcus7
Weatherston, Mike1


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