

Please select the appearances you wish to view:

To see specific appearances by team, take a look at the Clubs pages.

Cowplain Ladies - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Bowry, Philippa4
Hughes, Nicky2
Manchip, Wendy2
Richards, Kay4
Tinsley, Lauren4

Cowplain Mixed - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Bowry, Philippa2
Manchip, Jason4
Manchip, Wendy4
Medway, Lee2
Proud, Peter4
Richards, Kay2
Tinsley, Lauren4
Young, David2

Cowplain Open 1 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Burgess, Mike1
Manchip, Jason5
Medway, Lee5
Ortega, Jose2
Proud, Peter4
Sandy, Lewis2
Young, David5

Cowplain Open 2 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Burgess, Mike8
Garner, Jeff8
Gurung, Anish8
Knight, George3
Proud, Peter4
Tinsley, Lauren1

Cowplain Open 3 - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Freeman, Mark4
Gleeson, Josh1
Hughes, Adam4
Hughes, Paul4
Knight, George8
Richards, Kay4
Richardson, Rob3
Tinsley, Lauren4


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